November 18, 2013
Applewood Plumbing Allows Employees to Nominate Nonprofits for October’s Caring Community Giveaway
For the second time, Applewood Plumbing Heating & Electric is recognizing an employee-nominated local nonprofit organization for the $1,000 Caring Community Giveaway.
Kendra Gibbs, an Applewood dispatcher, was the lucky winner and nominated the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation – Rocky Mountain Chapter as the recipient for the $1,000 award. Juvenile, or type 1, diabetes is commonly diagnosed in children and young adults and describes the body’s inability to produce insulin.
“Nearly everyone knows someone with diabetes. We’re glad to support this foundation because there is a huge need for diabetes research,” said Applewood Plumbing Heating & Electric President John Ward.
The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) declared Thursday, November 14, 2013 as World Diabetes Day. The United States recognizes November as National Diabetes Month.
According to the IDF, diabetes currently affects more than 371 million people worldwide, and an anticipated 552 million people will be affected by 2030. One person is diagnosed with diabetes every 30 seconds in the U.S.
Gibbs, winner of the Caring Community Giveaway Employee Edition, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of six.
Robert Garelick, executive director of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s Rocky Mountain Chapter, says diabetes research has witnessed many breakthroughs in the past decade. “Type 1 diabetes used to be fatal for many children who were diagnosed, but now more than 85 percent of people with type 1 diabetes are adults,” said Garelick.
Applewood’s community outreach doubles during the Caring Community Giveaway Employee Edition, as nonprofits are still able to nominate themselves for the monthly giveaway. “The employee edition of the Caring Community Giveaway is Applewood’s way of giving our employees the chance to engage with the community,” said Ward.
The first winner of Applewood’s Caring Community Giveaway Employee Edition was chosen in April. For the month of October, Applewood will also give $1,000 to the North Denver Cares Food Pantry as part of the regular monthly community program.