February 10, 2016

Can Your Sump Pump Handle Melting Snow?

Your sump pump can be tested not only in periods of steady or heavy rain but when we have received a lot snow. February and March are typically Colorado’s snowiest months. Your sump pump is your best defense against flooding. It is important to check your sump pump regularly to make sure that it is in proper working condition.

Here are a few maintenance tips:

  • Remove the cover and slowly pour water into the sump tank.
  • Watch for the “float” to rise and trigger the pump.shoveling-snow_2
  • Once the pump is engaged, the water level will quickly lower and the float will shut off the pump. This is what is called “a normal sump cycle”. Most problems with the sump pump are float related. If the pump does not start, the float may be hanging on something in the tank. A simple re-positioning of the pump should solve the problem.
  • If this fails, the float may need replacement.
  • If the pump fails to shut off when the water level drops to the bottom of the sump tank, this indicates a new float is needed.
Applewood’s state licensed plumbers are sump pump experts. Call today for any sump issues you may be experiencing, 303-785-2000.


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